So I've realized recently that I don't have many pics up of Tabuga herself, and took off on a one hour photo-shoot tour of the town. Here is our village!
Don Mala's house and bar, 'Uptown' or 'Tabuga Central':

Makeshift high-school classroom, Tabuga Central:

Tree and house, between Old Tabuga and New Tabuga:

House between Tabuga Central and New Tabuga:

Our bus-stop, New Tabuga (La Llanta Blanca, or 'The White Tire'):

Comedor Buen Amigo, or 'Good Friend Eatery', New Tabuga:

Street in New Tabuga:

Don Anchundia's house, New Tabuga:

Don Chinto's house (where Andrea lived for two years, Jason for 6 months, and Kara lives presently):

Street corner with banana trees, New Tabuga:

Pig wallowing in mud, ladies washing clothes, New Tabuga:

Don Verne's garden and house (our next door neighbor), New Tabuga:

As always, more to come. Things are running between great and really, really great here. Come visit!
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